

以減緩氣候變遷為公司使命,2050 淨零之企業減碳迫在眉睫。永智顧問公司 2003 年成立,宗旨為「為下一代留下永續地球」,協助政府推動氣候變遷國際合作,提供企業碳資產管理全方位服務。獨步全台開發以人工智慧(AI)演算法為主的碳盤查系統,結合各企業資料庫或一次性鍵入資料後,可以一鍵生成碳盤查清冊,預測企業碳排熱點,降低法令遵循風險。此系統未來計劃開發多國語言,開拓國際市場。攜手台灣能源管理系統前進世界,一起把市場做大,打造永續地球。
With the vision “A Sustainable Planet for Next Generation,” YC Holdings Inc. has assisted the government in pushing forward international collaboration on climate change mitigation and provided businesses with carbon management services since its establishment in 2003. The firm took the lead in developing the AI Carbon Inventory System that combines the database of each enterprise or data keyed in at once. Just with one click, the system can generate the carbon inventory report to predict carbon hotspots and mitigate legal and compliance risk. The firm plans to make the system available in multiple languages to expand into the global market.


案例介紹 : https://gcis.nat.gov.tw/neo-s/Web/SIIR2021/mobile/index.html#p=12